Friday, May 31, 2013

Beautiful feet

"How beautiful upon the 
Are the feet of him who brings good news, 
Who proclaims peace,
Who brings glad tidings of good things,
Who proclaims salvation,
Who says to Zion,
¨Your God reigns¨"
Isaiah 52:7
It has been my privilege to share the Good News of Christ´s love with the people of Mexico for nearly twenty years. I´ve served with colleagues from North America, Canada, and Latin America.  Each one  has enriched my life and taught me something about love and service for our Lord. Mexico still has an incredible need to hear and understand God´s Word.  Praise God for His servants who are faithfully at work in this vast country.
In recent years I have heard much about the need for people to share the amazing truth of God with those in the Muslim and unreached areas.  It is difficult for a North American to enter these places because our speech, looks and culture are so vastly different.  However, many of these problems are not faced by our Latin brothers and sisters.  Last week I met a young family whose goal is to reach out to needy people in a place yet unreached for the Gospel.
They visited the church I attend and shared about their heart´s longing to live in this country and share God´s love as they minister in practical ways.  The husband recently returned form an exploratory trip where he spent time in a refugee camp.  The people he met thought he was one of them..until he opened his mouth and couldn´t speak their language! (Happens to me often...only my looks give me away first!)  They looked at his  hair, skin color and  goatee he wears and were sure he was Muslim.  When they heard his Muslim sounding name they asked, "Are you Muslim...are all Mexicans Muslim?"  The precious children he met in the camp were greatly amused  pointing out things and asking what they were called in Spanish, and then he would try to repeat the words in their language.  He will return soon with his wife and child to begin translating the Scripture into these people´s heart language.
I spoke with his wife later that afternoon and she told me how for many years she has longed to work among the people and children in this country.  However, since women are so poorly valued there, it was impossible for her to go alone. She rejoices that God brought her a godly husband so that together they can purse this dream.
I was greatly impressed with this young family, knowing that they have a challenging and difficult task.  Their mission board has asked them to establish a work there so that later they can send others to join them. That means initially they will be alone.
Prasie God for His call on His servants´ life.  Pray for this young family and other Latin missionaries who are answering the call to shed His light to the unreached.

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