Saturday, February 10, 2018

Faith as a Child

"Do you believe God can do a miracle," asked the visiting pastor to the group of children at the Alpha and Omega children´s home in Poza Rica (Mexico).

"Yes", they shouted back in unison.

"Then start praying and fasting and you´ll see what God can do."

Thus, the children began a ten day fast, following the example of Daniel in the Old Testament, they ate only fruits and vegetables.

The need was evident, and it was huge.  The boy´s dormitory was literally falling apart, and they were afraid it would cave in at any minute. It was the first building to be constructed when the home was founded over twenty-five years ago. The girls’ dorm was newer and had been improved over the years, but the boy´s house needed to be completely torn down and rebuilt.  However, where were the funds to come from for this endeavor? With around sixty children living on the premises, finances were tight.  That´s when the visiting pastor challenged the youngsters to put their faith in action by prayer and fasting.
Eleven days later the children celebrated the end of the fast with a thanksgiving party.  They still didn´t know the answer to their petition but believed God would soon provide.

A week later director Obed and his family went on vacation. He shared the need with the people he was visiting, and they joined in praying for the miracle.

A few days after Obed returned to the home, he called together the children, the workers and volunteers.  After a prayer, he called the boy´s house father to the front and said, "I have great news for you, we can now begin tearing down the dilapidated boys ‘dorm!"

After the joyful ruckus the news caused calmed down, Obed explained that a Christian brother in another county heard about the need and, despite his own illness and many needs, donated a large sum of money to build a new house for the boys. God heard their prayers!

I was awed and amazed when the children told me this story with such joy and enthusiasm.  They aren´t the only ones whose faith was strengthened!

"Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive thekingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it.” (Mark 10:13 NKJV)

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