After a wonderful vacation with my brother and his family,mom and I were on our way. I was driving and mom was the guide. Before we left I asked her, teasingly, if she knew the way home. Of course she did, she's the "directioneer" of the family, I'm the one that's always getting lost! After a few minutes we came to a crossroads, without consulting mom I turned right.
"No dear, we need to go straight, then we turn right." she told me knowingly.
"It´s fine, mom, didn´t you see the arrow that pointed east? It´s this way."
"No honey, I don´t think so. We have to go west and then to the east."
"Well, we´ll see." I said as we continued down the road. I was a bit uneasy, maybe she was right? Mom kept quiet not wanting to argue with me. We chatted pleasantly all the while looking for signs to direct us towards home. Suddenly we saw a sign, for a toll both! On our way to the resort we didn't pass a toll both.
"See, I told you we should've gone straight. We didn't pass a toll. Do you have money to pay the fare? I've got about 30 cents."
I groaned. I didn't have any cash either, I'd spent it all during the week. I hadn't even had enough to put in the Sunday offering. What to do? They wern't going to accept a credit card to pay the fee.
"Let me look in my wallet just in case. Maybe I missed something." I said.
I opened my wallet and checked all the corners. Praise God, there folded over in a side pocked I found a wrinkled $5.00 bill. We paid the toll and asked directions. Sure enough, we had to return the way we came, meaning we had to pay another toll! Forty five minutes and $4.50 later we returned to where made the wrong turn. This time I listened to my mother and eventually made it home safe and sound.
I learned a valuable lesson...always listen to you mother! I also reflected on
my relationship to God. I go through life, sure I know what I'm doing, not asking His direction. When things go wrong, I realize I should have listened in the first place. God in His mercy and forgiveness always provides a way out, even though I have to go back to where I started. Thank God for His love and patience!
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