Recently an
article appeared in a local newspaper under the faith section. The pastor who wrote the article had some
good points. She insisted that we need
to read the Bible for ourselves, not just go on hearsay, listening to what
others have said. However, as I read through
her article I became increasingly alarmed.
She shared passages out of Genesis to prove that if we truly read though
the Bible, we'll understand that God does not discriminate against those who
chose to live an alternate lifestyle, that we are to accept and celebrate those
who chose to wed members of the same sex.
I wrote back to the reverend sharing my understanding of Scripture, from
one who has read it for herself many times.
I read with interest your article in Saturday’s paper, “Don’t let anyone tell you what the Bible
says, read it for yourself.” I add a hearty “Amen” to that, which our
pastor says means, “I agree.” How quick
we are to judge another or rely on hearsay when so often we neglect the lecture
of God’s Word for ourselves. So often I run into people who claim to know God,
but rarely if ever open His book and examine it for themselves. Even so, being the sinful human creatures
that we are, we need to ask God's Holy Spirit to illumine our reading that we
may understand it and apply it to our daily lives.
I was glad to read that although you were
tempted to “skip” your reading through the Bible this year, you went ahead and
opened it anyway and God showed you something new. Yes, He did create light out of darkness, and
His desire is to shine His light into our hearts, that we may declare HIs
praises to another. (I Peter 2:9)
Here our agreement
ends. I ask, what Bible are
you reading? Is yours different than mine? Has something been changed or
altered to the Word that generations of people have found comfort and
conviction from? The same passage in Genesis 1 that explains how God brought
something out of nothing, how He made light to shine out of darkness, is the
very same God who creates man and woman in His own image and blesses them. The woman was made out of man, from his side
to be equal with him but not the same. In chapter 2 verse 24 God says, “Therefore a man shall leave his father
and mother and be joined to his wife and they shall become one flesh.” You’re right, we do not like to take the
Bible literally and yes, we all fail sometimes in the application. Does that make His ways less true? HIs purposes, His original design have
changed because mankind wants to bend the rules and say it doesn't apply to him
or her?
Perhaps we need to examine Scripture
further on to see if this holds true in other places. Just recently was reading in Romans chapter 1
and was struck by the harsh words here.
Yes, God is loving and merciful, but He does and will bring judgment on
those who defy His commandments.
the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what
may be known of God is manifest in them.”
The passage (when you read it for yourself)
continues onto talk about God's hatred of those who worship the created thing,
idols, instead of Him. He will not share
His glory with another. The Apostle Paul continues, “Therefore God also gave them
up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among
themselves…For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even the
women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature…Likewise the men,
leaving the natural use of the women, burned in the lust for one another. “
Words from God Himself.
In chapter 2,
"Therefore you are inexcusable, O
man, whoever you are who judge, for whatever you judge another you condemn
yourself...But we know that judgment of God is according to truth against those
who practice such things.” (Romans 2:1,2)
I am not able to judge, condemn you or
anyone who choses an "alternate lifestyle." However, it is my responsibility to share
God's word so that we can be saved form His wrath. God wants all to repent and come to the
knowledge of Him. We know He loves us,
for He made us in His image. But He is
grieved and angered when we chose to ignore His laws and do things our own
way. I urge you and your congregation to
read the Bible again, for we cannot, should not, pick and choose the passages we
like and want to obey. God also tells us
in the Sermon on the Mount that whoever breaks one part of the law is guilty of
breaking it all. (Matthew 5:18) That is
why Christ came, so that we could be saved by His grace and mercy. Please do not despise the riches of His grace
that leads us to repentance.
I too, am a sinner saved by grace. I know God is love (I john 1), and for that
very reason I pray my life is honoring to Him.
I pray that you will continue in your lecture of the Word this year,
that you will read with an open heart and receptive to the Holy Spirit as He
helps you to understand.