Monday, January 2, 2017

The Pearl,the Highest Treasure

JANUARY 1 2017
A new year, new beginnings, but what is a year in God’s calendar? After all, a day in His sight is as thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day. Life passes buy with the speed of a freight train “life is but a vapor…vanity (mere breath), all is vanity (mere breath).” I sometimes feel dizzy, other times a bit cynical as the days march relentlessly on. “Only one life will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last.” We’ve all heard this little ditty, yet it is true.  I’m not usually one for New Year’s resolutions, but here it is.  Psalm 73 will be my psalm for this year:

Truly God is good to (me-Rebekah), to such as are pure in heart. I must keep that truth before me.  To believe that no matter what, He is good.  The psalmist then pours out his frustration, anger, hurt at the prosperity of the wicked.  They have life so easy, always prosperous, no problems, getting away with “murder” (literally), bragging about their wickedness, shaking their fists in God’s face, laughing at God and defying Him blatantly.  That hasn’t changed in the last millennia or so. 

The psalmist feels (as I, we often do) that his own walk of integrity, of purity has been in vain.  He is greatly vexed, doesn’t understand and is angry with God. (It is comforting to know we can pour out anger and frustration to God, at God and He allows it, understands.) I too find it disconcerting, confusing, scary too as I read about the infernal war in Syria that seems to be unending, read horrific testimonies of precious believers persecuted, threatened beaten and imprisoned because they take a stand for Jesus, hear of those who have lost everything for walking with Him, children without parents, suffering everywhere….doesn’t God care, will He act? Where is He? I wonder and agonize.
The writer admits it is too painful for him, he can’t get a handle on it all. UNTIL, (thank God for the until) he goes into the house of God, spends time in God’s presence, meditates on the final destiny of those who commit atrocities, defying God.  Only then he understands; God will arise, it is a slippery path the wicked are on, they will pay the consequences, God is not slumbering, only waiting, patiently until the time to act.  The psalmist now recognizes his foolishness, and is vexed over his attitudes.  It’s like he too has awakened from sleep, or is now seeing through glass clearly where before all was clouded and shady.  Now he can say-

Nevertheless I am continually with You: You hold me by my right hand, You will guide me with Your counsel and afterward You will receive me to glory.
Glorious truth, God knows our hearts, He understands and does not condemn our doubts, even our rantings.

Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon the earth that I desire besides You,- cries out the writer.  My friend Mirna says we read this part wrong, it is God speaking to us, “Nothing I desire on earth beside you”, God desires me, I am His highest treasure!

 My heart and my flesh may fail; but God (BUT GOD!!) is the strength of my heart and my portion forever….But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all Your works.

That’s it, my New Year’s resolution, to desire God above all else, to be near to God, to trust in Him, focus on Him. Then I will proclaim, share and even shout about His wonderful deeds and about this amazing God. But how am I to draw near to Him?  Distractions, problems, and sins get in the way. Doubts and fears such as the writer of this poem describes. It is God who will do it.   I don’t even know how to “let Him” take charge, I try and try and fail and fail, perhaps I’m trying too hard.  What is my part?

Be near to Him, spend time with Him in His word, talking, listening. Have an attitude of prayer throughout the day, turning my thoughts to Him, conversing with Him. If I did that before I speak or act, I’d probably get into a lot less trouble and relational difficulties!
Spending time in solitude with just God, no television, internet, books, or even people to distract.  Go to a place where it is just God, a retreat at the beach, in the mountains or maybe in a monastery!

Another way to be near to God is to see Him in others, focus on family, beloved friends, brothers and sisters in Christ and those I meet as I walk through life.  To really see them and hear them as God’s precious creation. 

That is my resolution and goal for 2017, to be near to Him.  Make Him my desire, my chief joy, like the pearl of great price, my greatest treasure. I know it won’t be easy, I will trip up along the way. But my precious Lord, He alone knows my heart.  I pray he will enable me, to draw near to Him, to be gentler, kinder, patient with myself and others. I can’t do it alone, I know, so pray with me that He will change my heart so that my doubts, fears, worries and sins will fade in the light of HIs presence.  Tune in next year to see how it turned out! Happy New Year!