Children´s Festival Camp Kikomar
Every summer Camp Kikomar hosts a children's festival. Many children are invited but the guests of honor are children and youth who live in the beach communities near the camp. This is because, "the inhabitants of our island (where Camp Kikomar is
located) are fishermen and
land squatters, though the population is low, the level of dysfunction
is extremely high. These children live very difficult lives, with scanty
attention from parents, exposed to alcoholism, drugs and violence at a
very young age. We do our best to address this with occasional festivals
and parties, but we sure wish we could do more." (From co-worker and camp director Diana Garrett)
The festival is held on a weekday so that the children can help their parents either in the fields or in their tourism business on the weekends. Normally these families would be suspicious of outsiders inviting their children to an event. However, during the past several years my co-workers have established good relationships by handing out bread donated by a local grocery store, giving rides to people on their way out to the beach (no public transportation during the week) and by past festivals.
The festival is held on a weekday so that the children can help their parents either in the fields or in their tourism business on the weekends. Normally these families would be suspicious of outsiders inviting their children to an event. However, during the past several years my co-workers have established good relationships by handing out bread donated by a local grocery store, giving rides to people on their way out to the beach (no public transportation during the week) and by past festivals.
A team form Memorial Park Church in Pittsburgh came this year to take charge of the festival. Early Wednesday morning we started making trips to pick up the children and bring them to the camp. A rousing volleyball got going and then a soccer game until we were ready to start.
Next the team acted out the story of Jonah and the whale complete with an inflatable whale and audience participation trying to "hide" from God. After Jonah repented and was vomited onto shore, we encouraged our audience to obey God and give their lives to Him.
Next the kids were split into three groups for an art project, games and a time of reflection about the story. Each child also had their picture taken with a Polaroid camera on the inflatable whale. The moms in attendance also made a special craft.
Our cook Pati made a scrumptious tuna salad for everyone to enjoy and then we began the rounds to take everyone home, making sure to invite them for the next day.
Thursday was less attended probably because many of the children were working. This time I translated as the group acted out what happens when sin enters your life and gets you all dirty. Even the fellow who thought he was pretty good found out that he was dirty with sin too. This was aptly illustrated by inviting the children to smear mud all over his clean, white tee shirt! Then they saw how only Jesus can wash away the sin and give us a clean heart, illustrated by taking off the dirty shirt and putting on a clean one.
Groups for games, crafts and discussion were divided up and I had the privilege of leading three precious
children to invite Jesus into their hearts to cleanse them form sin.
Sandwiches and juice were served and again the rounds made to take them home.
We thank God for the opportunity to bless the lives of these children and look forward to an ongoing contact with them. Mostly we pray for Jesus to touch hearts and bring many into a relationship with Him.